Comments on: The Ultimate List of Free Preschool Printables for Activity Trays Montessori Inspiration for Parents and Teachers Fri, 12 Jan 2024 03:31:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thu, 07 Mar 2019 16:05:27 +0000 Thank you for including us in the list! And thank you for such a comprehensive list of resources!

By: Maura-Leigh Mon, 01 Oct 2012 05:07:35 +0000 Wow this is a great list of links!

By: Faith Thu, 27 Sep 2012 07:40:18 +0000 I am overwhelmed! There are so many resources listed and I don’t even know where to begin (I guess this is a good problem to have). I have a kiddo who’s five years old and has a diagnosis of Asperger’s. I also have a 3 yr. old and 1 yr. old. To make matters worse I’m disorganized and a perfectionist–help! I’ve created 3 solid one to one correspondence activities and my little one (5 yr. old) is responding well. Also, she’s a visual-spatial learner and she learned to read 45 sight words with the aid of “Meet the Sight Words” (yes, it’s a video, but I was panicking about her not knowing how to read and was clueless about how to teach her). We are now going to get into phonics; she knows letter sounds, but doesn’t quite understand how they make words. Part of her issue is that abstract concepts present challenges for her. She gets big pictures (like putting together jigsaw puzzles–it’s amazing to watch her put together a 100 piece puzzle starting in the middle and all over the place, but somehow, she finishes in record time…), but smaller concepts go over her head. Teaching her to count objects seemed an insurmountable task and she eventually got the hang of it with lots of practice and clapping. I’m not sure how to progress and simply feel lost. Thanks for reading this novel if you did. Please feel free to email me any suggestions you may have. I appreciate it sincerely.

By: Cassie Thu, 12 Jul 2012 10:40:34 +0000 Thanks for adding 3 Dinosaurs!

By: Deb Sat, 24 Sep 2011 07:15:44 +0000 In reply to JDaniel4’s Mom.

Thanks for your comment, JDaniel4’s Mom! I think those are great, too – simple to prepare but fun and educational! 🙂

By: Deb Sat, 24 Sep 2011 07:14:29 +0000 In reply to Jackie.

Thanks so much for your kind comment, Jackie! I love that so many sites share such wonderful printables … makes it so much easier to create activity trays. I had to make everything by hand when I taught, so I really appreciate that there’s so much that can just be downloaded and printed out now! 🙂

By: JDaniel4's Mom Fri, 23 Sep 2011 01:36:07 +0000 I love the pom pom activities!

By: Jackie Thu, 22 Sep 2011 19:02:55 +0000 What a great resource. I’ll have to come back and visit this post often 🙂

By: Deb Tue, 20 Sep 2011 02:21:38 +0000 In reply to viv.

What a sweet thing to say, Viv! I’m lucky that my kids are grown as far as online time is concerned, but it’s definitely difficult to balance the needs of young children with computer time. Actually, I can’t balance it all as an empty nester! I’m so glad my posts are helpful for you! 🙂

By: viv Tue, 20 Sep 2011 02:01:59 +0000 wow thank you so much deb . honestly i don’t know how one could possibly manage over 100 emails a day , with three kids all needing their mama all waking hours . i started subscribing to posts looking for ideas , printable s ,… for a while now i am considering unsubscribe to almost all and just follow you . you are keeping us updated of all what is happening in blog word and montessori . i think following your blog is more than enough .
